Sunday, September 2, 2012

Tomorrow is Labor Day.  Boy, we have labored at DeCocco Design this year!  Lots of great design projects, working with wonderful clients who wanted to see big changes in their homes.   Dreamy stuff.  At the same time we've been working to get the new website up and running to be able to launch the online Drapes collection.  The picture above is my laptop keyboard.  You can see that the letters are wearing off.  There are also keys that are hanging on for dear life and a collection of cookie crumbs.  It's quite a sight.  But all the work is about to pay off, as the website is scheduled to make it's debut tomorrow.  On Labor Day.  Poetic justice, for sure.  I thought we would launch on April Fools Day and I thought that would be appropriate.  Ha.  Tell God your plans and watch Her laugh.

Today I'm very antsy about the new site, so I took myself off to Macy's to buy a new handbag.  Nothing fancy--I'm as hard on handbags as I am on laptop keyboards.  I replaced the old black bag with a new black bag.  Every time I buy a different color bag, I regret it.  Here's a pic of the new handbag:

Looks a lot like the keyboard, doesn't it?  Has lots of nice pockets to stash a variety of supplies.  Big sale at Macy's today.  Isn't there a big sale at Macy's every day?  Hmmm, I can't leave you with these dark and rather dreary pictures.  Let me see what else I can dig up....

Oh yeah!  The Beautyberry is in bloom.  Such a pretty plant.  And, even though the deer have obliterated my sweet patch of Black Eyed Susans, a couple showed up in a new spot:

And when our son, Chris,  was visiting a week ago, he  helped me plant a Fall garden.  Very small, but all that I can handle right now.  There will be several kinds of lettuces, spinach, peas and swiss chard.  Chris is a  great gardener.  Things are sprouting already!  I'll get some pics for you.  I want you to know that you don't have to be neat and tidy and all Martha Stewart-ish to have a garden (I love Martha, but I cannot BE Martha-like).

We'll talk again tomorrow.


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